Wednesday, October 16, 2019

one more day of healing?

so my scraped knee isn't particularly swollen anymore, but is still learning how to properly bend. i'm gonna give it one more day, and go for a 3 mile run tomorrow (thursday), and another on saturday. still so annoyed at myself for tripping, but it could be worse. also, at least i didn't slip on ice!

Monday, October 14, 2019


today i went out for a three mile run, but i tripped about .75 miles in avoiding a car and scraped up my knee pretty well. my knee's all swollen and gross. i walked home for a bit and then, once i could walk normally, ran about 0.5 a i ran all of 1.25. cleaned it out and put ointment on it...will ice and take ibuprofen. hoping it's healed in the morning so i can run (on a treadmill!).

Friday, October 11, 2019

3 miles (kinda)

i ran three miles today!!! well, 2.85, and then i got a little lost and ended up walking at least half a mile up a SUPER STEEP hill. but once i got back to the intersection by my house, i decided to run the last .15 miles anyway.

it felt great, but my legs are TIRED. mostly from the walk, less so from the run, actually. the first mile out both days has been tough, even after a 5 min walking warm-up. okay maybe more like 3 min. today 1.5 was rough (my entire "out" of the out and back), but i think the terrain around here also sets me up for a very slightly uphill run on the way out, so...

anyway i'm pretty pumped. i was itching to run today and i hope that feeling sticks around.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Back to running

in late 2016/early 2017, i decided i had to take a break from long distance running. it had become obsessive and wasn't fun anymore, and i was being pretty cruel to my body. it was necessary to take a break, but so hard.

in 2018, i started getting back into running, and two days after a beautiful five mile run in the city (san francisco), i left my internship office in an ambulance with back spasms. it's been over a year since that happened, multiple rounds of physical therapy, injections, and ultimately a surgery to fix one of my herniated discs, and i'm back on the mend. finally.

i've been running since about march, following a strict pt plan, and honestly it's been taking me forever to finish it because i've been so afraid of reinjuring myself. but i've been hitting the treadmill at least once a week, sometimes two or three, and building up abs of steel again so i won't reinjure myself.

AND TODAY I RAN OUTSIDE FOR THE FIRST TIME SINCE JULY 17, 2018. and also i ran negative splits!!!!!!! (i.e. the latter half of my run was faster than my first half.) granted, it was just two miles, and it was slow, but i feel great.

it felt like a good time to restart the blog..we'll see how long it lasts. i've reverted my old posts (including the whole30 ones) back into drafts but might republish at some point.

just so excited to be back at it. those of you who've known me for awhile know what a big part of my life running has been. i can't wait to get it back.